Date : 11/26/2018 3:24:52 PM
From : "Arie alon Peled" <>
To : "Vered Shpilman" <>
Cc : "Hadie Cohen" <>, "Maayan Chen" <>, "Dor Hai" <>
Subject : RE: תזכורות למשרדים להעביר חשבוניות

היי ורד,


מיילים נשלחו ל:

1)    Corker Binning

2)    Cuatrecasas

3)    Van Bael

4)    Netherlands firms (Galit sent)


לדעתנו לא צריך לשלוח מייל לחברות להלן:

1)    Crowell & Moring they already sent us their one outstanding invoice, for work on Ziada

2)    HDRBB  (Berman) – they already sent us their one outstanding invoice, for work on Ziada

3)    Sandler Reiff –  We have all outstanding invoices, for work on FARA

4)    A&P – they already sent us their outstanding old invoices, the latest Weiskopf invoice for work through November, and John said they will send us additional invoices for work through November this week

5)    Sidley Austin – We don't believe they have done any work since the Dogan oral argument in the 9th circuit

6)    Estudyo Durrieu (Argentina) – already sent us outstanding invoice, however we cannot pay it until we have resolved protocol/engagement letter issues

a.    Durrieu left his old firm, with whom we have an engagement agreement and a protocol approving work. We need to submit request to change protocol to reflect new engagement with Durrieu (I believe Dor drafted it and is awaiting approval to send out), and perhaps to also execute new engagement agreement with Durrieu


אפשר לשלוח מיילים, אך עוד לא נשלחו (דור, נא אשר שלא נשלחו) ל:

1)      LEIDEKERKE (Belgium) - we discussed the Livni case and upcoming trips

2)      Hirsch (Belgium) - we discussed the Livni case and upcoming trips

3)      Marić & Co (Bosnia) – we asked for an update on the case in October, and received a response by email that the court was still deliberating (would they charge for such a response?)

4)      CMS (Switzerland) – we asked for advice and had a brief call regarding the risks of a trip to Switzerland in September (do they charge for this kind of brief casual advice?)

5)      ENS (South Africa) – we asked a question regarding an Olmert trip (do they charge for this kind of brief casual advice?)

6)      Redeker (Germany) – we asked for potential topics for the AG's trip to Germany (do they charge for this kind of brief casual advice?)


אנא עדכני אותנו למי לדעתך יש טעם לשלוח מייל.



ארי והיידי



From: Vered Shpilman
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 3:09 PM
To: Dor Hai; Maayan Chen; Hadie Cohen; Arie alon Peled
Subject: תזכורות למשרדים להעביר חשבוניות




האם הועברו תזכורות לכל המשרדים הפעילים שלנו שיעבירו חשבוניות כדי שנטפל לפני תום השנה? ראיתי שנעה ביקשה זאת והבנתי שלחלק פניתם? רק לוודא שלא התפספס לנו..




Vered Shpilman

Legal Counsel, Foreign Litigation Division

Office of the Deputy Attorney General (International Law)

Ministry of Justice



Office: + 972 (0)3 763 4284

Cell: + 972 50 6117011